Welcome to the free online mp3 tag editor

If you are looking for mp3 tag editor, mp3 tagger or want to change album cover in mp3 or add photo to your music, then tagmp3.net is made for you. Just upload your mp3 files below and proceed to customize the id3 tags (album art, genre, title, artist, comments and more).

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TAGMP3.NET is a free website where you can change music tags, change album art, and other ID3 (ID3v1, ID3v2) tags. So if you are searching for a music tagging software then this website is your best destination. You don't need to download or install any software/app to change id3 tags of your mp3 files. You can edit audio metadata and customize common id3 tags easily by uploading your music files here.

Tagmp3 is an easy to use id3 tag editor because it auto detects id3v1 and id3v2 version, and automatically updates to id3v2 even if your uploaded file is outdated to id3v1. The advantage of id3v2 is that it is more detailed and you can enter lots of information like album art, genre, title, album, release year, and comments etc.

id3 tag editor

Why tagmp3.net is a good music tag editor?

It is the best music metadata editor because it allows different music types. You are free to upload whatever file type, either it is a video or an audio having any encoding format and our system will converts different media types to mp3, and then insert id3v2 sample tags. Then, on second step, you can change all tags of uploaded music file(s).

Supported File Types:

Tagmp3.net supports almost all audio/video formats including mp3, mp4, m4a, flac, aac, ogg, ogv, wma, wav, amr, m4r, 3gp, 3gpp, aiff, mid, mpeg, webm, mov and ts. If you have any other format that you want us to add support, please feel free to contact us, and we will try to add it as soon as possible.

What are ID3 tags?

ID3 tags are set of information such as the title, artist, album, track number, and some other information that is stored in the MP3 file itself. There are two different versions of ID3 that are ID3v1 and ID3v2.

ID3v1 containes fixed set of informational fields and it is stored at the end of an MP3 in form of 128-byte segment. There is an advance version of ID3v1 which is ID3v1.1 and it contains slight modification which adds a "track number" field and also there is a slight shortening of the "comment" field. ID3v2 very different from ID3v1 if we compare structures of both versions. It contains an extensible set of "frames" which is located at the start of the file. Each frame is recognized by an identifier (a three- or four-byte string) and one piece of data. There are standard frames for containing album cover art, BPM, lyrics, copyright, and arbitrary text and URL data, as well as other tags. ID3v2 has been extended to 3 versions so far, and each new version contains new frame definitions.

The mp3 tagger that works everywhere

The biggest advantage of tagmp3.net is that it works on all platforms. Either you are on a mac, windows, or a mobile (iPhone/Android/others), all you need is an internet browser where you can visit tagmp3.net and change your music tags instantly.

You can upload single or multiple files. To select multiple files, you can press and hold <Shift>, or <Ctrl> key, or use mouse drag and drop your music files.

So, tagmp3.net is the best music tagging software which can be used to insert picture into mp3 files, change existing image and update all other song information by uploading your music files.


How to add album art to mp3?

You can add album art to mp3 using tagmp3.net. Visit tagmp3 dot net website, upload your mp3 file, and in second step you can upload album art that you want to add to the mp3 file. Then in third step, you can download your updated mp3 file.

How do I change album art on Android or iPhone?

Tagmp3.net is a free website where you can change album art of your audio files. This website is compatible with all kind of devices including Android, iPhone, Windows 10, Linux etc. You can visit tagmp3 website in any browser, upload you audio songs, and you will see current album art if there is any, and upload your custom album art. After uploading your custom album art, you can proceed to download your updated file.

Can you edit iPhone album artwork?

The answer is yes. If you are an iPhone user, you can edit album artwork easily using tag mp3 net. You can open tagmp3.net in Safari or any other browser, upload your files and edit the album artowrk. You can see existing artowrk and upload your desired cover imager which will replace existing image, and then you can download the updated file.

How to add thumbnail to song?

Adding thumbnail to songs is very easy. You can use any id3 tag editor, or visit tag mp3 website, upload your songs, and then upload thumbnail file and this free tool will generate new file with provided thumbnail for you that you can download.

So, if you are a music producer, then this tool is quite handy for you either you produce music for games, movies, tv, or custom requests. Just upload your music and personalize it by adding your own id3 tags.

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